Pussy Willow
Rhododendron Buds
Cherry Blossom
Think it's a hebe (?)
For Your Eyes Only rose
The temperature here in Dorset averaged 12 degrees last week. Today it has gone down to 10 but will be back up to 14 tomorrow apparently - no wonder the gardens and countryside are confused. Also, the grass needs cutting as soon as the ground dries out which could be a while as, just for a change, more rain and high winds are forecast for this week...so no white Christmas here then.
It's been a productive year and we are still enjoying the vegetables grown, plus we have homemade jams, chutneys and pickles to enjoy this Christmas...yum yum!
So, all that's left for me to say is have a fantastic Christmas and New Year and I look forward to catching up with you in 2016.