14 December 2015

Dorset Garden Diary - A Technical Hitch

Evening Everyone,

Sorry I'm a day late. Unfortunately I was working all weekend and, although it's hard to believe in these days of instant technology, it must be the only place on the planet that doesn't have access to Wi-Fi. Very frustrating and prehistoric. Anyway, on with the blog.

I had all good intentions of knuckling down and giving the garden a good tidy up but it just didn't happen thanks to the weather. I tried sweeping up the fallen leaves but it's been very windy again this week and as fast as I swept they blew away again. I did, however, get round to pruning the summer and autumn raspberries for the second time this autumn/winter. I also pruned the large hydrangea by the greenhouse down to the ground as buds were beginning to form again; I cut back the dying flowers on the hellebores, but left the leaves as shelter for hibernating creatures. And talking of hellebores, I think the plant with the green flowers growing in the shade garden (pic in last week's blog) is also a hellebore.

Earlier in the week the fish were not eating so I decided not to feed them for a couple of days. On Friday morning I fed them and they immediately appeared and ate it all with voracious relish!  They are getting bigger, not so much longer, but plumper. I have also been putting the pond pump on for a couple of hours a day when I'm here.

Wednesday was lovely and sunny (a much needed change) but I was unable to get in the garden because of work commitments. I did water the plants and cuttings in the greenhouse though.

For this time of year the garden is looking very healthy. Apart from the leafless fruit trees you wouldn't think this was a winter garden:

Today (Monday) started warm and humid. By mid morning it had turned chilly and windy and by mid afternoon it was pouring with rain again. The first thing I did when I arrived home from work this morning was feed the fish (hungry) and check the garden. Since last Friday the aubretia has started to flower, not easy to see in this pic unfortunately,

a couple of the daffodils have bloomed

 a yellow poppy,

and more feathery tops to one of the grasses - very delicate.

In the greenhouse the lemon is still growing

and the hot lips salvia and azalea cuttings are thriving.

The carrots and borage are well established now and there are new buds on the blackcurrant bush.

There is still no sign of a stalk on the amaryllis, but the leaves are now between two and three feet long and growing! The underside of the leaves are speckley red and look like sticks of rhubarb!
That's about it for this week. The forecast for us here in Dorset this week is rainy and mild with possible record temperatures being reached...watch this space. Have a good week juggling garden commitments and festive social activities!